Sunday, October 16, 2011

the forehead kiss

sigh. the forehead kiss.

is this not the most wonderful of kisses?

. . .
maybe its just me then.

its remarkable the tangle of emotions you can feel depending on the person giving the kiss as well. no matter what, forehead kisses bring me back to feelin like a little girl. for some reason, a kiss on the forehead calms me down, relaxes me. it makes me feel safe, secure, protected.

only [maybe] 3 men have given me the forehead kiss, which is just perfect because it shouldnt be something wasted. my brother, maybe my father, and my road dog.

my brother always makes me feel protected. point blank, period. he has my heart.
my father, there was/are a lot of mixed emotions there. dont care to go into that right now.

my road dog...ah. ah the best forehead kiss ever. its like an electrical circuit, love being passed. its like comfort, its emotion that is unspeakable, words that havent been made yet. i feel like a child being cradled thru the storm. its gentle, yet powerful. it quickens my heart [not in a lustful way]. it almost brings tears and def brings a smile and a sigh. its just the epitome of...of something. knowin that that person will never leave you. lives and circumstances change, but that person will always be there for you.

i wonder if it works the other way too...if i can give a forehead kiss to a man and it be that powerful...
bc i def would like to share that feelin with someone(s).

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