Friday, March 4, 2011

this is what we do for each other

so we already established that i dont say names on this blog [just because. idk. it was a subconscious thing] but right now, this name has to be said. this chick is ONE of my bestests, and is gonna be in my life forever. [we already established that shes my maid of honor whenev it comes to that] idk how we got like this, but our relationship is what it is and nobody can probably understand it unless they was us. lol. anyways, VICTORIA D. BROWN [altho she has many alias] felt the need to grace my facebook notes with a comment in response to my last blog "how are you?" very insightful and the world needs to hear this, so it has moved up from comment status:

The worst you could do in this situation is give up on yourself. It's easy. You say, "Hey. It's no point in me even trying to better myself with negative influences coming from all around me so I quit. I'm not suicidal or anything, but I quit." WRONG. Given the lives we've had since birth, the things we've experienced, the hits we've taken (AND THIS GOES FOR EVERYONE THAT'LL READ YOUR BLOG AS WELL AS YOU), we've had alot to overcome. Do not give up on yourself.

I read in a book that I'm going to pass to you, because it was passed to me, and maybe you could pass it on to the next person that needs it, that attaining happiness is a continous achievement. That means that you don't "get happy" one day and it lasts forever. Nothing lasts forever. Simply put, it's work. Everything in this life takes work. You have to work to get money, pay bills, be successful, BE HAPPY, have kids, and even more so to love people, yourself and God. And then there are some people that will not agree with having to work to love God.

And that brings me to my next point...working to love God. It is work. Some people get lost in it. Others don't bother with it. And some people find it harder and harder each day. And how do they find it hard? Look around you. People suffer worse, easier, and the exact same burdens you do. A vast majority of those people are church-going, God-fearing people. But they look out into the world and see people that are publicly living in sin, and they are the ones that are living the best in this world...


This world is not ours, it's theirs: the sinners of this world. Now here's where it gets complicated, so try to stay with me if you haven't already gotten it... The bible says that we inherit the Kingdom of God: HEAVEN. And I know you hear older people say all the time that we are in the world but not of the world. EXACTLY! Our happiness is found in the truth that one day we will all be united together, living and enjoying the pleasure of living after life here. We live here to fulfil the destinies that God has written into our souls. So yes, we take hit after hit, because like Jesus lived and took hit after hit, it greatly humbled Him and He knew that one day He would again be with His Father. Now, does that excuse the fact that some people that are also Christians have succeeded in this world and some claim they cannot. No, of course not. But it is up to everyone to endure this fight, stay humble and patient, and be willing to work with God to live out your purpose, and by all means, do what you have to do, in accordance with God's word of course, to succeed while here. Make a name for yourself. Make tons of money. But never forget where you come from nor where you're ultimately going...

So cry your tears girl! But allow God to wipe them away. You're right, He is always there, but like the perfect gentleman, He's not going to come in and save the day unless you invite Him in...

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