Wednesday, July 13, 2011

still here

well. i havent written in a long time. not bc i had nothing to say. had plenty to say. just been workin workin workin on a lot of diff things [you kno me, gotta hustle. plus do the extra  to the utmost]. anyways.

i have been writing a lot of posts in my head tho. some im gonna actually write, some imma let float into oblivion. so excuse me if a plethora of posts pop up over the next few weeks. imma get em out so i have room to come up with more...

some things will be personal, some things will be general. some things of course will be inspirational or u kno, the devotional stuff i like that make you think and question. there will be a few rants and maybe some craziness [i just read every post ive ever done, and its a lot of craziness]. there will also be some updates on my life: my adventures, hustles, partnerships, business crap...

above all this [...i wish you had to do it] above all this, it will be me.

for those of you who have read my stuff before, you know the reason i started writing--bc i was going thru a rough season or whatever you wanna call it. still am. but i think imma just continue to do this bc...well bc its good to get thoughts out. my road dog told me to be careful what i post. and i think thats a good idea. but also, i want to post a lot of things, even if they are personal, bc you never know how they can help someone out. its nice to know that someone you kno, not this theoretical person [this stranger] went thru similar situations or feelings. or even just to kno that someone can make it thru. many ppl have told me that various posts, personal and not personal, have helped them. and the fact that i can get release by writing makes me realize ill continue to write.

so ill be writing...

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